Monday, April 22, 2013

“SHARP” Award Winners

Nicolas P. – Nicolas has displayed many of characteristics; he has shown Respect, Responsibility, Self-Discipline, Teamwork, Cooperation and lots of Kindness. There has been many times through the year when I (Mrs.G) have needed assistance during travel. Nicolas has volunteered to help me and he is always polite, to his peers ……and staff. Nicolas is always there to support his class peers as well as staff. Nicolas would be helping me during travel and if he seen another student that seemed lost or confused he would approach them and also help anyway he could. Nicolas is very deserving of this award.

Nicolas is very kind to others and often expresses concern about them. He is always willing to help and is very co-operative. He is responsible and always completes his work on time. He has a good memory and likes to help other students. I think that he would be a good candidate for this award. Great work Nicolas!

Isabella C. - Isabella is a "flyer" from Ottawa, and has been very patient and understanding with all the travel trials and tribulations over the last 2 months. She has been very responsible about keeping up with work that is emailed home to her, and she always inquires when she gets back to school about other work that she needs to catch up on, and promptly completes it and hands it in. She is always positive with her staff and peers and always, tries her best!

Peyton B. and Gabriel L. - Peyton and Gabriel have both developed wonderful play skills this year. They have both become better at waiting for their turn and passing toys and objects to each other during games. Peyton and Gabriel have continued to build a friendship during their daily opportunities to play together. They have progressed from playing beside each other with their individual toys to now initiating interaction with each other and spontaneously sharing toys. Peyton and Gabriel have learned to communicate with each other and they can often be heard asking each other for toys and calling the other person's name when they want to initiate play. It is a joy to watch them play and laugh together. We are so proud of Peyton and Gabriel for their communication and kindness with each other.

Brad D. - Brad is in the grade 12 leadership class. He has arrived to the gym early every morning since January to help set up the gymnastics equipment. He takes initiative by offering his classmates assitance if he thinks they need it. In class, he is always prepared and on task. He has handed in all assignments on time this year and clearly puts effort into his work. He shows a quiet, but strong leadership style!

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