WRMS has Character

We hear and use the word respect to describe people’s actions in many situations. It’s easy to say, “Respect your teachers” or “You show no respect for people’s feelings.” But when you hear or say the word respect, do you really know what it means? That’s the question I’m asking you now: What does it mean to be respectful?

Make a list of examples of students demonstrating respect and disrespect.

Responsibility means taking care of your duties and answering for your actions.

What responsibilities do you have at home? At school? In the residence?
How is responsibility rewarded?

How many lies do you get to tell before you are a liar?
Do you consider yourself to be an honest person? Why?
It has been said that cheating is another form of lying. Do you agree?

Self Discipline
Discipline and rules are a large part of home, school and community behaviours. Name as many places that you can think of where discipline is required.

Teamwork and Cooperation
“Many hands make light work”

Create a list of times that you cooperate with your people at school and at home.
As a class, finish the sentence:
We work best together when … (come up with as many ideas as you can)

Helping others does not always mean being paid or rewarded for the task. What are some tasks at home or at school you could to do for others just to be kind?

Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Everybody makes mistakes, and that will allow one to see improvement.

How have you learned from your own or others’ mistakes?
Describe a time when you wanted to give up, but kept on trying?

If you don’t bend in the wind, you will break (unknown).
Discuss a time when you had to change in order to be successful.

Empathy is the ability to share your feelings and understand another person’s emotions and feelings.

Think of a time that you were involved in a conflict. What the situation have turned out different if put yourself into the other persons shoes or looked at the situation from their point of view?

Safe Schools
That's Not Cool
Do Something

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.